That’s a wrap…

A show I had two works in closed yesterday and I never got around to writing about it! Such is life. (Sigh.)

“Whispering Colors” was a show theme that captured my attention, just as the muted, gentler tones of earth, sky and water often attract my camera. Consider, for example, sand, which both of the images invited into the show featured.

The sand in the background of Things Unspoken is the rather typical tan color we associate with sand and expect to see when the word “sand” is used as a color name. If that soft turquoise in the upper right corner puts you in mind of water, you are reading the image rightly. The location is a quarry fed by a limestone-rich spring; I used depth-of-field to soften and smooth the background into a gradation of color.

Then there’s the salt and pepper sand of the Gulf Coast, and the varied patterns woven into it by the endless rise and fall of waves over bits of shell, rock, and plant detritus wherever they rest. Venus’ Comet was formed by a fragment of shell called “crossbarred venus.” One of the exciting things about looking for these patterns in the sand is that they are there for but a moment. In the next moment, a bigger wave will pick up that shell fragment and carry it away. All that will remain of venus’ comet will be Venus’ Comet!

BTW, although Venus’ Comet looks rather like a monochrome print, it is in fact a full-color print. Colors that whisper, right?

The show “Whispering Colors” was online for the month of May. It was hosted by Nuu Muse Contemporary, a gallery located in Dallas’ Design District . Many thanks to the gallery’s curator(s) for choosing my work.

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